Watching the Events During Grief

The Tony took The physician's warning to heart's. The Tony decided to watch the events of The Flux when they were playing out. The Tony as part of his grieving process watched from start to finish what exactly went down. The Tony understandably took The Doctor's side when it came to the memory wipe stuff and some of His mother's side when it came to the rest. The Tony said," My sister-mom The Doctor is right on the memory wipe Mom was wrong there. The rest of the stuff she did was totally justified. My sister-mom The Doctor would have been more furious if she found out later about all of this." The Tony decided to find out how his sister-mom found out about all of this. He watched The Doctor and The Master's interactions over the generations and their  regenerations. Watching The Master Scheme and The Doctor figure out what the scheme was. The Master waiting for The Doctor to figure out what his plan was. The Tony watched all of these play out saying," all of this before The Doctor finds out The truth and this Time Lord is who he has to hear it from." He continues to watch as The Master sets the plan first he finds out through the matrix of Gallifrey the information that enraged him enough to destroy the time lords on Gallifrey then The Master's plan to reveal it to the doctor. The Tony said," That has to be the most brutal way to drop a truth bomb on someone. I understand why The Doctor tried to find this place." The Tony was thinking about Tecteun so he decided to try and get to know her through the plans used to form The division.  


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