
The Tony goes to The Avengers universe for vacation

Relaxing in the bed of Tony Stark and with Steve Rogers in the same bed. The Tony awakened from a night of intense intimacy in a three some. Steve Rogers on the back side of The Tony, Tony Stark on the front side of The Tony. Then Steve Rogers switched to the front of The Tony, and Tony Stark switched to the back of The Tony. The Tony remembering how good that night was said," I'm so glad to be on vacation in this universe." He proceeded to get up and make breakfast. A vworp noise started and a TARDIS materialized disguised as a vault. The Tony said," This should be interesting." A man stepped out and said," I'm looking for The Tony." The Tony asked,"What?" The man said," I'm Jarold." The Tony said,"What?" Jarold said," I have some revolutionary ideas to bring to The Division." The Tony said," What!" 

Over the Grief

The Tony said," Every single universe gave me the same answer to my two questions. Physician I think I get it." The Physician sitting in the other chair across from him said," Tony it's another type of forces to be stopped. Some from mythology and others are either from another universe yet to be explored. The other's are from outside the multiverse." The Tony said," So in other words it just means more case's. Thanks."  The Tony got back in his division TARDIS and went back home to the division. Trying to figure out what to do now The Tony spent a week with the last part of his grieving process playing out. The Tony said," I'm going to need a vacation somewhere. But where?" He thought about it and decided that The Avengers universe was the ideal vacation universe. The Tony thinking of what the first thing he'd do there said," I could help them with some stuff." He traveled to The Avengers universe for his vacation.

Across The Multiverse

The Tony went to The Scooby Doo live universe and asked the gang the first question," How did you deal with the mythological things becoming real?" He got the same answer. The Tony then asked the second question," How did you cope with them?" The Gang gave him the same sort of answer as The Physician. The Tony went to the descendants universe and he asked the leadership the same two questions. In response to these questions the leadership answered via a song and dance number. The Tony went to the Percy Jackson universe and asked The god's about everything else coming in and they answered him and then asked The Tony," Could you tell Us about the universe's and the multiverse?" The Tony trying to think about how to give a satisfactory answer. He gave them some nuggets of answers that they wanted from him.  The Tony went to the Harry Potter universe and asked," How is your negotiating with the no Muggle and The wizarding world going?" Harry

Everything mythological becoming real

The Tony was piloting his division TARDIS was watching as Every single myth from every culture in the universe and in every universe in the Multiverse as well. The Tony was heastily piloting his TARDIS to the next universe as more mythological things became real.  In The physician's universe The Tony hideouts  and tried to find a way to undo what has happened. The physician knew this was coming so he used his omnic screwdriver to locate The Tony. The physician said," Tony I know what is going on. I've been expecting you here." The Tony stepped out of his division TARDIS and he asked," How do you fix it?" The physician said,"I couldn't undo it. Tony go to the other universe's and you will get a similar answer."  The Tony said," Okay, so how did you cope with it?" The physician said," Go to the other universe's and ask those two exact questions and I will tell you." 

The Tony reacts to The Fourteenth Doctor Invoking a Superstition at the Edge of The Aftermath

The Tony after spending time reading the plans for the formation of The Division. The Tony said," I feel so close to her. Now I have to get the information she gathered for the research on regeneration energy and how she developed from The Foundling." He searched for a while and when he found it he read it extensively. He wandered what the difference would be if The Doctor had opened the watch herself and if Tecteun had been more lenient with his sister-mom The Doctor before she wiped her memories of the division and her work for her adopted mother Tecteun. The Tony said," The Doctor was just getting over the fact that a big chunk of her personal history was missing." He went after thinking about it to see how The Doctor was doing. He watched as The Master planned after escaping the destruction of Gallifrey with his Cyber Master's in his TARDIS. The Doctor and her remaining travel's were what The Tony watched and said," You Doctor i appreciate everythin

Watching the Events During Grief

The Tony took The physician's warning to heart's. The Tony decided to watch the events of The Flux when they were playing out. The Tony as part of his grieving process watched from start to finish what exactly went down. The Tony understandably took The Doctor's side when it came to the memory wipe stuff and some of His mother's side when it came to the rest. The Tony said," My sister-mom The Doctor is right on the memory wipe Mom was wrong there. The rest of the stuff she did was totally justified. My sister-mom The Doctor would have been more furious if she found out later about all of this." The Tony decided to find out how his sister-mom found out about all of this. He watched The Doctor and The Master's interactions over the generations and their  regenerations. Watching The Master Scheme and The Doctor figure out what the scheme was. The Master waiting for The Doctor to figure out what his plan was. The Tony watched all of these play out saying,"

The Aftermath of The Flux

The Tony was using his connections in the multiverse and the Division's resources to clean up the mess left over from the Flux. While cleaning up the Aftermath of The Flux The Tony was talking to Allies of The Division and his personal Allies. The Tony said," Okay I'm sending everyone these plans on what to do if these things are happening in your universe's."  After The Division's Allies got the plans they started giving condolences to The Tony and wishing him a good tenor as The Division's new leader. The Tony talking now to his personal Allies said," I have some things that I want to discuss with you all." He sent them copies of the files retaining to how they have worked for the division with some notes on how he would like to see them work on some of these cases that he wants to rework with them. They agreed and after the other's ended their end of the chat The physician asked him," How have you been doing since you learned of her d