
Finding out about the death of his Mother Tecteun

After The Tony watched his mother's Death at the hands of Swarm, The Tony started his grieving process. Using his sonic stylus pen updated The Division's database and made himself the person in Charge of The Division. Going through the files The Tony found some incomplete case's and The fugitive Doctor's work before the memory wipe. The Tony found a lot of work to do saying," I'm going to be busy for decades. Good it's something to distract myself with." Going through the files and documents that would keep him working. The Tony found a recording Tecteun had left for whomever takes over from her, all of the protocols, how to get things done, and where the reliable sources were. Tecteun in a sense was guiding her son in how to run The Division effectively. The Tony sitting in a chair said," Thank you Tecteun I will honor your last message."

Returning Home to The Division

After Tecteun regenerated a few more times to what she looks like in The Flux event. The Tony heads home after a long mission to find out what damage has been done to the multiverse, how to fix it, and making deals to fix those damages.  The Tony looking around the place in The Division saying," Mom, I'm home the multiverse is fixed." Noticing no reply yet continued to search for Tecteun for hour's on end. When he couldn't find her he said," I have to check the security footage and hope for the best."  The Tony walked into the security room and hit play on the security desk. The Tony watched as his mother Tecteun activated The Flux protocol, Swarm and Azure reunited, His sister The Doctor finding out everything, his mother using a weeping angel to bring The Doctor to The Division. Swarm and Azure breaking into The Division, then the tragic death of his Mom Tecteun at the hands of Swarm. The Tony broke down at the revelation of his mother's death.